Stress Reduction / Relaxation
Everyday our mind processes millions of bits of information. Our filtering system processes this information and determines what is helpful and unhelpful. When we encounter significant amounts of negative events which manifest in negative thoughts, we produce stress and tension.
These responses can alter our mind and body resulting in us feeling different. Everyone experiences stressful events at one point throughout their lifetime. It is not necessarily the event which results in the experience of stress, rather the persons approach and reaction to the situation.
The body responds to anxiety-provoking thoughts and events with muscle tension, which actually increases the subjective experience of anxiety (Dr. Edmund Jacobson; 1920). There are two causes of stress. Stress can be internal, that is, within one’s own mind and body, or External, due to the influences of the external environment.
One out of five persons within the working population have job related stress. Other problems include interpersonal relationships like marriage; divorce, changing homes, separation or death of loved ones, family issues, accidents, debts, health problems, exam failures, premenstrual tensions and a lot more. But some people get stressed even without any reason.
Stress is not a negative response. Stress in the right quantity for an appropriate period, can aid in performance and attention. Stress can assist us to achieve at our highest potential. Too little stress can produce low performance or non-engagement. The concern relates to the length of period of increased stress. Research demonstrates that prolonged periods of stress can be detrimental to our health and functioning. There are links between physical ailments and stress, as the body can often manifest psychological pain in a physical presentation.
During Hypnotherapy, the person is able to process their emotions and reactions, and let go of issues which are troubling them. Hypnotherapy has proven results in relaxation and sub-conscious processing of troubling issues, which support the individual to move through the emotional state and create a new direction.
Using Hypnotherapy for Stress Management and Relaxation will assist a person to develop a range of coping strategies, and relaxation strategies which they can continue to utilise away from the therapy setting.
Please contact our friendly staff and we will be happy to chat to you about how hypnosis can help you achieve your goals.