Performance Enhancement
Performance enhancement can be utilised in many areas, from career to sports. In careers, hypnosis can assist individuals with presentations, interviews, and project management. In sports, Hypnosis has been used for years to assist athletes in improving their abilities.
People often underestimate their real potential, and another approach is to use hypnosis to attempt to enable the a person to break through any self-imposed psychological barriers. In sports, one hypnotherapist progressed a shot-putter’s throw considerably by gradually extending his own psychological ‘limit’- which had been inhibiting the physical performance.
Yet another method is to establish in the unconscious mind of the individual a sort of ‘template’ of a good performance. In a work setting, we uncover the meaning of a successful presentation or interview and what elements are needs to obtain this.
In sporting settings, we uncover all the exact finely-tuned muscle movements, as well as the correct mental and physiological state – then to refine and improve it selectively even more over time, as feedback is obtained. Especially in sports situations, where having just that edge over others is so important, we can imagine that an athlete who is not psychologically prepared for a race may waste a lot of crucial energy in hyperventilation, panicky thoughts, and palpitations before the event – so reducing the muscular resources and mental-concentration available for the contest.
Clearly, for a winning performance, many aspects of the individual need to be operating at the absolute optimal level. Cues are often used to trigger the hypnotically prepared mind-state. For instance, the walking on stage to a presentation or performance, the opening greeting in a interview, the picking up of the tool or equipment etc. These act as convenient ‘switching on’ points.
Please contact our friendly staff and we will be happy to chat to you about how hypnosis can help you achieve your goals.
Supporting Research
Demystifying Sports Hypnosis, Australian Sports Commission, Australian Government. Read more
Vasquez, B., (2005). The Effects of Hypnosis on Flow and in the Performance Enhancement of Basketball Skills, Washington State University. Read more