Intake Questionnaire – Employee Assistance

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Dear Client,

Please note that all information provided in this Questionnaire will be kept strictly confidential in line with our policies outlined in “Provision of Psychological Services”.

Please note that you are required to complete section A (Personal Details), whereas responses to sections B should not be completed if you feel that answering questions about your past or current situation is just too distressing. In this case DO NOT complete the questionnaire beyond section A.  If necessary, we will then discuss this together here at your first appointment.

If you have any queries at all about the questions or your responses to the questions, please discuss your concerns with me.

Personal Details

DD dash MM dash YYYY
DD dash MM dash YYYY
If Yes, please identify what applies and when it has been diagnosed (year and month)? If no, put full stop or any letter to acknowledge you have read this question.
If yes, please identify and when diagnosed (month and year).
List any medications you are currently taking.

Section B: Briefly answer the following questions:

Please complete the following sentences:

Please give short answers to the following questions:

C) Presenting Issues or Concerns

Please answer the following question in only two or three sentences
Please rate on a scale from 1-10 how strongly you believe this issue is affecting you day to day (check box)
Please rate on a scale from 1-10 how strongly you believe this issue is affecting you day to day (check box)
Please rate on a scale from 1-10 how strongly you believe this issue is affecting you day to day (check box)

Final Question

This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.