Employee Assistance Services
TFD Services readily acknowledges the importance of work / life balance. How an individual is coping both inside and outside the workplace, can have significant impacts on overall performance in their role, and on role satisfaction.
There is significant research which links the relationship between individual coping and mental health, to workplace performance. Increased performance results in increase profitability for an organisation.
Employee Assistance Services are a range of services which the employer engages with TFD Services to provide to their staff as required. Employees Assistance Services includes the provision of a number of sessions to employees to utilise at their discretion to address concerns that are related to matters either within the workplace or in the employees home life.
Matters that can be addressed:
Matters directly related to the workplace can include:
- Stress and Coping
- Working relationships with peers
- Perceived bullying and/or harassment
- Conflict with peers or management
- Managing workplace dynamics
- Managing difficult personalities
- Injury within the workplace
- Manager assistance
Matters external to the workplace, which are shown to effect performance:
- Relationship discourse
- Health concerns
- Parenting matters
Workplaces which strive to support employees through difficulties both in the workplace and external to the workplace, promote a healthy work environment which has direct results on moral, attendance, and job satisfaction.
What is the arrangement?
TFD Services develops a contractual agreement with your company around the provision of services to employees of your organisation. Each employee is entitled to up to three (3) sessions per calendar year, which are paid for by the organisation. If an employee utilises all the sessions and requires ongoing intervention, they are supported to seek private referral to a psychologist which can be supported by Medicare rebates if referred by their GP.
Statistics from other companies that engage TFD Services, indicate an average of 1in 30 employees accesses the services of TFD Services in any financial quarter.
Upon initiation of the contract, TFD Services would come and provide a brief talk to staff about the service and the benefits of utilising the service. Every six months TFD Services will attend the workplace for a brief period to touch base with employees and reaffirm the service is available.
Every 6 months, statistics are provided back to the company regarding usage and any prevailing issues that the company should be aware of, due to reoccurring attendance from their employees.
If the company requires training related to workplace dynamics, communication strategies, dealing with difficult staff or customers etc., TFD Services are able to discuss your training needs, develop tailored training packages, and deliver as required.
If you would like to know more about our services, please do not hesitate to contact us, as we would be more than happy to come and discuss your company’s needs further.