Time Line Therapy

Time Line Therapy® involves a range of techniques that promote emotional control over your life.

Inappropriate emotional reactions, such as bursts of sadness, depression, anxiety, anger, periods of apathy, and chronic fear, are responsible for preventing people from achieving the quality of life they desire. Time Line Therapy® techniques enable you to eliminate many types of issues in your past, thus allowing you to move forward toward your goals and desires.

Some of the primary areas that are focused on within Time Line Therapy® including:

  • Limiting decisions: are decisions that a person has created at some point in their life, such as “I’m not good enough,” “I’ll never be rich,” or “I am unlovable”.  These limitations create false limitations and decrease our ability to create reachable and attainable goals and outcomes. Time Line Therapy® created by Dr Tad James, provides a range of techniques that enable you to eliminate many types of issues in your past, thus allowing you to move forward toward your goals and desires.
  • Limiting Beliefs: similarly to decisions, however are beliefs that we hold about ourselves and our capacity for change, or how aspects of our life are. For example, ‘I can’t change’.
  • Negative Emotions: Focus on foundations of Gestalt Theory, which says that emotions are chained together over time. By removing the threat of the emotion, that connects all experiences of that emotion in the past, a person is able to disconnect the emotion from those events and therefore respond to an event today, based on the emotion of today and not the collection of experiences from the past.

Time Line Therapy® can be provided as an independent intervention or combined with both Psychological and Hypnotherapy interventions, as well as coaching settings as required.